Pine tar


natural wood protection

Container: 0.5 L; 1 L; 3 L; 5 L; 10 L; 20 L

Pine tar is a natural wood protection product that is suitable for old and new wood surfaces in outdoor conditions. Tar protects wood from decay, especially the kind that results from contact with soil and water. Tar can also be used on steel surface, where it stops further development of corrosion and provides the surface with long-term protection against it.

Pine tar is intended mainly for providing protection to wood constructions in humid conditions – wooden boats, moorings, fence posts, open terraces, shingle roofs; it is also suitable for metal constructions.

Wood surface should be dry, dust free and clean. When coating metal constructions and shingle roofs, it is recommended to add up to 15% of vegetable oil varnish. Drying time depends on temperature and humidity.

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